IDP Podcast

Intelligent Document Processing Podcast - Episode #17: John Häfelfinger, CEO of BLKB

Parashift Season 1 Episode 17

Welcome to the first Intelligent Document Processing Podcasts in the world!

The following podcast episode features Alain Veuve interviewing BLKB’s CEO, John Häfelfinger, to discuss the changes banks are undergoing and how he is dealing with them.

What about BLKB?

BLKB, or Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank, is the largest bank in Basel and one of the leading banks in northwestern Switzerland. Currently, 879 people work here.

For more than 150 years, the bank has been the point of contact for private individuals, companies, municipalities and the canton and, through its responsible actions, contributes to the positive development of this region.

In addition to its 24 branches in the canton of Basel-Landschaft, it is also present in Breitenbach, Solothurn, the city of Basel and in the Frick valley with branches in Rheinfelden and Frick.


What about Parashift?

Parashift is a machine learning company that has taken on the topic of document capture. Its product, the Parashift Platform, is a cloud-based document extraction solution that uses IDP technology to read relevant data from any document. By using its proprietary Document Swarm Learning technology, companies can gradually automate all their document processes.

In the process, employees team up with the Parashift Platform to integrate document data into processes and systems super quickly and cost-effectively. The platform learns from all interactions and thus comes closer to complete autonomy step by step. So everything at Parashift is focused on making this technological milestone a reality. The team is not pursuing other topics. Alain Veuve says, “We’re not an end-to-end solution, so we’re working with a lot of companies that can do vertical integrations.”


Interview filmed on December 1, 2022 

***Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guest and the host. They do not purport to reflect the opinions or views of their company.